Best/Worst leaper in St. John’s history?


Well-known member
I’m sitting here, bored silly watching the NBA dunk competition. I got to thinking...who is/was the best leaper in St. John’s history? My memory goes back as far as the late 70’s. For my money, it was David Russell. The guy could as they say, “leap out of the gym”.
Also, for my money, the worst of all time? Curtis Johnson. Cujo couldn’t clear the Scarsdale phone book....with a running start.
What do you think?
Hands down best leaper and not even close: Michael Porter.
Not until Iverson came along had I ever seen a small dude sky like Porter.

Worst: CUJO by a wide margin too.

Best player with hardly any vertical: D'Lo.
Porter literally seemed to have springs in his legs. It was like something you'd see in a Michael J. Fox movie... CUJO was definitely the most limited but Billy Singleton was pretty limited too with two bad knees.
I've got to go Searcy and Singleton. I can't count CUJO as I don't think I ever saw him attempt to jump, the poor guy could barely walk.

I never saw Singleton play before the knee injuries, he must have been something else.
Searcy from a standing still jump but for some reason with a running jump he didn't seem the same. Along with all the names mentioned so far got to consider Mel Davis and Beaver Smith.
I’m in the Russell and Glass camp as to the best. Those 2 guys could sky.
Don't remember anyone jumping higher than Louie did following Berry's block of Pearl's drive at the end of '86 BE title game. :)
[quote="redken" post=272794]Don't remember anyone jumping higher than Louie did following Berry's block of Pearl's drive at the end of '86 BE title game. :)[/quote]

Best response!
Gordie Thomas was a high jumper. Either that doesn't translate to basketball, or he didn't show it off during games.
have to also give Yakwe credit for his leaping... even if he can't ball that much

I recalled this clip
