Watched Brooklyn today. Excellent, especially if you're of Irish decent.
Had dinner with an Irish aunt the other day, and she said it was her story. So it's definitely accurate. I haven't seen it yet since it's not playing near my mom's house, but when i get back to the Bay Area I'm going to check it out.
I really enjoyed Bridge of Spies, and Sicario was intense. Like mjmaher mentioned, I loved the Big Short. I thought it was hilarious, and all the performances were great.
My intention was to see a whole bunch of movies over the holidays, but unfortunately haven't seen anything in the past couple weeks.
As for blockbusters, I didn't think much of Mad Max. But still better than the original ones, which are overrated pieces of shit. I liked Jurassic World. Also, I would like to defend the latest Terminator movie in case you guys skipped it during the summer when it came out. My nephew and I decided to ignore the harsh reviews, and I was glad we did. I found it very entertaining.
As far as mindless entertainment goes, I thought The Night Before was really fun.
The Room is playing in Sag Harbor, so may try to squeeze that in before heading home.