Article: Don't Buy Into SJU Expectations Just Yet

I think the article is spot on! If we end up 5th or 6th in the league that will be an achievement! The other issue at hand is this, can Mully coach? Last year he gets a pass, but this year I would hope to see him more involved. To be honest, I was not terribly impressed with Mullin's coaching performance last year! My brother in law and I were talking tonite about that very issue! Hell if Mullins can't get it done where do we go from there! Yikes!!!!!!!!!

How much coaching do you think would have helped last yr. Any top coach of a top program would not have faired much better.
Lets get off Mullins for last yr and get on some positive outlooks on the talent he is now bringing in.
Like our direction
Don't really think anyone believes we are an NCAA team this season but we certainly could double our win total from 8-16 which would be a great step in n the right direction.
Last year we returned 3 players who barely played and averaged a combined 4 points. This season we return 5 players of whom 3 were starters and the 5 averaged about 30 plus points per game.
We add the best player on the team in Lovett and 5 other highly ranked players in Owens, Ahmed, Williams, Richard F and Ponds.
How could we not be better ?
Not sure what the point of the article was but we will be improved.