A Message to the Presidents of Pitt and Syracuse

 A question for my fellow Redmen.com regulars:

Why do you even respond when a moron like "LaFours" comes on to this site?

Obviously she is a loser as evidenced by the fact that she trolls fan sites of other schools and take extended time to post multiple long messages. If she had a real life she would not have that much time on her hands. My guess is she is a retail worker at Carousel Mall but who cares.

Time to move on. Personally I have become a Jim Boeheim fan and will be sorry to see him retire within the next 2 to 4 years

My sincere advice is to ignore LaFours and hopefully she and like loser will go away.  
Syracuse fans can say what they want but unless they are football fans who don't care that much about the basketball program, they have to be somewhat upset by this move. They have achieved a tremendous amount of success in the Big East. Any change has got to concern them because there is no guarantee that success will continue. Even if they continue to win, will the rivalries, the excitement of coming to the Garden, etc., be the same?

The retirement of Boeheim in the near future (maybe before this move even happens) exacerbates the uncertainty. They will never unseat Duke and NC as the powers of the ACC. At best, they will continue to be a very successful basketball program but they will never rule the roost as they have in the Big East.

As much as I hate them, I really enjoyed the rivalry. Imagine the Boston Red Sox leaving the A.L. East because the National League makes a better offer. I, as a Yankees fan, would hate to see them leave.

Goodbye. Enjoy your football money! 
 The bottom line, other than the money, is that the Big East football schools did not make themselves marketable enough in football and, as a result, were dragging the value of the Big East brand down in negotiations! The Big East has been the premier conference in the nation for college basketball and has generated more profit than its college football segment of the league. The ACC is also a basketball league and even though much of their market is, and has always been, in the hot football southern market that includes football-playing powers like Florida, FlaState, Ole Miss, Georgia, etc. their football programs have been barley more competitive than the northeastern Big East schools. The fact is that the BE had a chance to sign an all-sports contract with ESPN for about 30-40 million less than the ACC and did not. 30-40 million divided amongst 15 schools would not have amounted to enough monetary incentive to jump to any conference. It is TV dollars holding conferences together nowadays, not rivalries. The Big East presidents balked and burned their partners, especially PITT and Seton Hall---one a football has-been and the other lucky to be in a conference at all! Would it surprise anyone here to know that the ACC is looking to actually renegotiate its deal with ESPN now that they have poached PITT and Syracuse? Wouldn't it be just KARMA if the Big East adds some football schools like UCF and Eastern Carolina, two promising football programs in the football hotbed south, throws in Navy in the package and negotiates an equivalent deal with ESPN? The Syracuse fan who argued here that it was about "the money" (I see him as George in that Seinfeld episode) then would have to stick his $tail between his legs and be content being on the bottom of the ACC in football, where it will NEVER BE competitive and always be the "other" basketball school after ACC land-owners Duke and North Carolina,