I'm in Jupiter. Would want to attend if date is good. Work at the ball park. Ran into Ray two years ago & a St. John's baseball recruiter this past October. Nice conversations with both. Baseball coach spoke glowingly about Anderson.
I still work but own in Vero and am there a number of times in the fall/ winter so let me know when the StJohn’s AARP get together is and I will attempt to attend..
Look at schedule and pick games that work for you (day of the week, lunchtime, dinner? We can adjust location as needed. Some of us are so old we are retired from being retired.
Dear Al Bovino
I don’t believe I need to explain why your post was deleted. Not only was it uncalled for but you used a swear word to name a very respected poster.
Please refrain from any similiar posts as such behaviour will not be tolerated.
[quote="fuchsia" post=369893]Look at schedule and pick games that work for you (day of the week, lunchtime, dinner? We can adjust location as needed. Some of us are so old we are retired from being retired.[/quote]