My other favorite is a tie-----MJDinkins (who battles other posters more than me)
You got a laugh outta me on that one, '72. Hell! We've battled one another a time or two, so it's all good, my man. But you might have me beat (on battling other posters). LOL
Appreciate the props, per Jnaw, buckethead, steinfeld, and '72.
If I was gonna choose one, then it would have to be MCNPA. He's more positive than NYMase, Jnaw, Sheridan, RedstormRising, myself, and a few others who are quite optimistic.... Put together. LOL
The guy oozes positivity. I've seen this guy take on Big East breathrens on their OWN message boards, in reference to the Johnnies. He'll get stuff thrown at him from all kinds of angles (occasionally, he'll get the same on the Johnnies' boards), but he'll still bring it in a cordial manner for the most part. He brings it for his team and alma-mater.
You're the man, Marcus! LOL