#11 Marquette (MSG), Tue., Feb. 4, 6:30p, FS-1

I will alllow one of my prized pupils to chalk this up to a bad day.

However, if this pattern continues, I will be forced to intervene and make certain everything is fine at home so it does not spill over into a regular occurrence.

I’ve written on the blackboard at home “ I will use proper spacing .”

I was going to write it 100 times but , the chalk

Broke and I could only write 3 .

I don’t want this affliction to

Carry over and have

It deteriorate into

a new condition

that I have been schooled so well

On by my tutor and men

tor .

If it appears remedial therapy is necessary , I will submit the required paperwork .

I hope it clears up before. the. Game tonight

Redmen win by 3 in OT. KR makes buzzer beater and is fouled with no time on the clock.
He makes the free throw as the Garden erupts in bedlam .
Just win. Win pretty. Win ugly. Be down by 30 & come back to win. Be up by 30 & barely hang on to win by 1. Shoot 1-30 from 3 and win. Turn the ball over 25 times and win. Win on a lucky call that clearly bails us out. Have the entire team get food poisoning and publicly crap their shorts so that they have to keep mopping the floor throughout the game in front of a packed MSG but WIN. WIN THIS GAME.

As a side note…while the Mullin years were often an exercise in frustration it was great how for some reason Ponds always showed up against Marquette. He would just turn into a machine for some reason. Here’s highlights from his 44pt game to pass the time. That was a fun one.

Just win. Win pretty. Win ugly. Be down by 30 & come back to win. Be up by 30 & barely hang on to win by 1. Shoot 1-30 from 3 and win. Turn the ball over 25 times and win. Win on a lucky call that clearly bails us out. Have the entire team get food poisoning and publicly crap their shorts so that they have to keep mopping the floor throughout the game in front of a packed MSG but WIN. WIN THIS GAME.

As a side note…while the Mullin years were often an exercise in frustration it was great how for some reason Ponds always showed up against Marquette. He would just turn into a machine for some reason. Here’s highlights from his 44pt game to pass the time. That was a fun one.

damn he was such a smooth scorer when he had it going. What a great player
77 tickets still available in lower bowl. (typical caveat of, I don't know how many tickets aren't available on ticketmaster because STJ is holding them)

Big difference with this game and Xavier is that the secondary market is not littered with dirt cheap tickets. So I am thinking the "butts in the seats" figure could be better than X. Also think if its similar to the X game, the crowd will be young and loud since its a weeknight.
77 tickets still available in lower bowl. (typical caveat of, I don't know how many tickets aren't available on ticketmaster because STJ is holding them)

Big difference with this game and Xavier is that the secondary market is not littered with dirt cheap tickets. So I am thinking the "butts in the seats" figure could be better than X. Also think if its similar to the X game, the crowd will be young and loud since its a weeknight.
Tuesday night is a good night for our students. It is the night they typically go out. Wednesday is the most common off day, just the way the classes are arranged.

But, I am assuming it hasn't changed since I was there
I will say it once and only once , drop it.
I trust the message is clear.
I’m not sure what you want me to drop? My must win stance or reacting to the bombardment by critics? Please clarify, thanks. Perhaps you can PM me?

I actually think the must win vs not a must win discussion is productive as long as it’s kept civil.
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If you're reading the financials, you're going to need those IPA's.;)
Come on, Mike, tell the truth, Nat is with family, you're "reading financials" in a men's club named Muñecos de Cupido, drinking Veuve Cliquot, with a girl on each knee, telling jokes and smoking a cigar, while your minions back home are reading financials.

White Chocolate knows how to live.
Tuesday night is a good night for our students. It is the night they typically go out. Wednesday is the most common off day, just the way the classes are arranged.

But, I am assuming it hasn't changed since I was there
It has not, Tuesday night is still a going out night. They should be going to the game which I think they will