What name, and image opportunities for athletes could mean


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2022 $upporter Moderator
This is the future of college athletics when, beginning likely in January 2021, student-athletes will be allowed to profit off of their own name, image and likeness. The myriad ways that turning on this faucet across college athletics will both empower student-athletes — many of whom will never have more social capital or command more of an audience than they do during their collegiate playing days — and will also open them up to a maze of rules, regulations, scrutiny, competition, tax liability and more.

The below linked article explores the many ways athletes man profit from their image. As expressed in my prior posts I endorse the athletes getting increased W.A. M. ("walking around money") but I fear that this will make the right richer whereby part of the blue bloodied schools recruitment package will be a guaranteed $250K promotion contract for each big time recruits.

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I thik the whole issue becomes incredibly more complicated (and limiting) when you factor in that these athletes will not be able to profit off images where they are wearing school uniforms. An athlete now may post images of themselves playing a college sport, game clips or photos. However, if they start getting paid for social media ad placements, any content that includes school logos, apparel, or uniforms will likely require them to share revenue with their school.

I don't think schools would be permitted legally to guarantee marketing revenue to a player. In effect, they would be promising to pay a player to make up the difference between actually money earned and a guaranteed amount. I believe that would be forbidden.

The article points out tax considerations, but while this is significant, its really no difference from a kid getting a 1099 for some summer work instead of a W-2, and the onus would be on the individual to pay taxes. Any player who is profiting under the new rule would be well advised to engage an accountant to monitor this, as they will be required to make quarterly tax payments for revenue earned that isn't salary (with taxes taken out).

The phone call message stuff is interesting, and more athletes than you think could earn some money from this. A person who is a St. John's fan for example, may get a charge out of a Shamorie Ponds or really any notable player calling them for a birthday or milestone event. A lesser player might make $25, still not bad for a few minute phone call.

College bookstore are loaded with team jerseys with numbers of their best players. Formerly, even when their names were on the apparel, they didn't earn a dime.

There will be bumps and bruises along the way, but it could be a double edged sword for players who now may not just choose the best programs, but the cities that give them the widest fan base and exposure.

All in all, another interesting event, which the NCAA agreed to only to protect their golden goose and keep kids from turning professional out of HS.