What Cub fans taught me about losing

beast of the east

Active member
BAck in 2015 I attended a conference in Chicago in October. The days just happened to overlap with the Mets Cubs Championship series.

I was free evenings and by myself, so when the Mets arrived in Chicago up 2-0, I figured I would buy tickets more cheaply. The week before, the cheapest seats I could find on Subhub were 450 for outside the stadium on the roof of one of the apartment buildings. By game 3 they started to fall.

Not knowing that Stubhub has different cutoff times in different cities, I missed the cutoff in Chicago for when sales are stopped. So I missed game 3 in person.

When the Mets won game 3, I was determined not to make that mistake for game 4, and thankfully, ticket prices continued to fall. I picked up a good seat to the right of home plate for about 200, though it had an obstruction.

Cub fans came out in force and loudly cheered their team. Unfortunately for them the Mets unloaded again early, stayed on top, and with a 6th inning outburst, just about put the game away.

The Cubs and their fans, who had not won a world series series since 1908 had every right to be livid at their playoff collapse. There were a few thousand Met fans at Wrigley, many of whom flooded in that morning, including some college kids who cut classes and bought plane tix. Some 30 something Met fans in front of me celebrated a little too loudly, and a kid in front of me, about 25 or so, blew up after these douchebag MEt fans celebrated a bit too much. But that was isolated.

In the 7th I had to use the rest room and walking over to a sink, a very large Cubs fan called out to me (I was in a Mets T-shirt). "Hey you! Yea, you, with the Mets t-shirt! Come here, I want to ask you something" Now, I could have put my head down and tried to run, but on a piss and soapy water soaked floor, didn't think it a smart idea. So instead I said sheepishly, "Yea, sure." This walking mountain (he was about 6-7 and 350) said to me, "LEt me ask you a question? Are you from NY, or from Chicago?" Now my brain started to race like the IBM super computer, Watson, and I tried to run what the possible outcomes would be from my response to this giant Cubs fan, angry from losing, and twice my size. The most likely: From Chicago, and I'm a traitor. From NY, I'm a hated enemy from the big city. I imagined myself bloody and beaten and soaked in a heap of urine and soapy water on the floor.

I decided to go with the truth and take my chance.with the truth, and see how it went. "I'm from NY," I whispered, and prepared for the worst. The huge guys bellowed, "You're from NEW YORK? NEW YORK!!? " "Umm, yea," "Wow! A fan that follows his team! I loved it! I love it. First time in Chicago?" I smiled and said "no, I've been here before." He put one of his huge mitts on my shoulder and said, "Well, enjoy our city and enjoy the game", and walked away talking to himself "Fans who travel with their team. I love it!"

Now in the 8th inning, Met fans began to mass along the first base line as the crowd thinned. The Mets were awesome. When they won, they celebrated on the moun for a couple of minutes, then came to the rails and celebrated with the fans for much longer before exiting into the dugout.

But then I noticed, that Cub fans had not left their seats. At least half remained, and started applauding their loser Cubs, who now failed to make the Fall Classic for the 107th time in a row. Cubs manager Joe Maddon also did an amazing thing. Soon, the Cubs poured out of the dugout and lined the third base line, waving to the fans and applauding them. The crowd roared and now were to a person on their feet.

These were the nasty cub fans, the Bleacher Bums, who had a reputation for tossing opponents homerun balls back onto the field. The enemy. Yet, that day they were the classiest bunch in thanking their loser Cubs who missed once again to make the World Series.

I thought it was awesome.

You guys might think, "Yea, well that team won 97 games, ad .599 winning percentage." ANd I'd say, yes, and finished in 3rd place in their division out of 5 teams.

Out team finished at 21-12, with a .636 winning percentage.

Our own Panther, preached balance and perspective earlier in the season. Perhaps you may not be ready to do the same after last night's collapse. However, in 2015, it didn't take Cub fans 5 minutes after their season ended to stay and want to thank their guys, their million dollar athletes, for giving them a great run.

Not asking or telling anyone to think like this, but it's a different perspective and a lesson worth learning.
I’m 21 years old and I’ve dealt with so much losing being a sports fan in my life that I have basically mastered the art of dealing with losing. I always have one day where it hits me like a truck and then I just pick myself up and move on.

Today is that day for St. John’s. so I’m hurting today but tomorrow I’ll just move on
[quote="Jack Williams" post=330927]I’m 21 years old and I’ve dealt with so much losing being a sports fan in my life that I have basically mastered the art of dealing with losing. I always have one day where it hits me like a truck and then I just pick myself up and move on.

Today is that day for St. John’s. so I’m hurting today but tomorrow I’ll just move on[/quote]

Stop checking bracket matrix ;)

You are a a Mets fan I believe so the losing you’ve endured is not that bad compared to growing up in the 90’s was like while the Yankees were winning. It was awful. And I was a Yankees fan until Jessie Barfield told me to shut the f up. No, Jessie, you shut the f up and thanks for making me cheer for a perennial loser.

I’m confident Jessie will read this with the selection committee and Mike Zaun.
[quote="Marillac" post=330930][quote="Jack Williams" post=330927]I’m 21 years old and I’ve dealt with so much losing being a sports fan in my life that I have basically mastered the art of dealing with losing. I always have one day where it hits me like a truck and then I just pick myself up and move on.

Today is that day for St. John’s. so I’m hurting today but tomorrow I’ll just move on[/quote]

Stop checking bracket matrix ;)

You are a a Mets fan I believe so the losing you’ve endured is not that bad compared to growing up in the 90’s was like while the Yankees were winning. It was awful. And I was a Yankees fan until Jessie Barfield told me to shut the f up. No, Jessie, you shut the f up and thanks for making me cheer for a perennial loser.

I’m confident Jessie will read this with the selection committee and Mike Zaun.[/quote] why did Barfield curse at you ? I dont remember you ever telling us that story. I assumed you were always a met fan
Marillac wrote: You could have learned about losing from Mets and Jets fans.

And Knick fans...
[quote="NCJohnnie" post=330937]Marillac wrote: You could have learned about losing from Mets and Jets fans.

And Knick fans...[/quote]

Speaking of the Knicks. What’s it gonna take for Dolan to sell? The guy is clearly a miserable person and I think in his sick and twisted head he likes the Knicks being horrible because he hates the fans
I can tell my own Cub story. I lived in Chicago for 3 years as a young newlywed, just starting my career. (88-91). My boss was a diehard Cub fan, and I was a diehard Yankees fan. I attended a few games at Wrigley, and was always perplexed as the fans didn’t seem to care if they won or lost. As my boss explained, it’s all about the experience. Soaking in the sunshine on a hot summer day, while drinking Old Style beer. Then going to the Cubbie Bear afterwards for more socializing.
I could never understand it then, and I must admit, it’s sometimes hard to understand now.
This topic is all a matter of perspective. No offense to the great people of Chicago but.. their is something called Midwestern nice. I knew some people from Chicago and I asked about going to a Cubs a game. The basic answer was eh Cubs not so good but the beer is great in Wrigley and around the ballpark. You see winning is great for them too but if it doesn't happen well we'll get some more beer. Go to a football game in Green Bay Wisconsin and you will see and feel the different mindset then say Met Life Stadium or dare I say Lincoln Financial Field. Every seat is sold and its beer, bratz and Pack. Win or lose really not much difference. Giants/Jets lose and you get another week of Joe Benigno whining about the "pain".
New York (really East Coast NY, Philly, Boston) are more into winning and losing. I have been to Mets games all over and their is almost always Mets fans there. Doesn't mean fans are "better" but their is a little different mentality surrounding entertainment and when we are "entertained". The Mets have ruined many a summer.
St. John's is now a perennially (let's face it) losing program. That will always be a tough sell in these parts. That's why winning or evening threatening to contend gets people here out over their skis. We want it but its just not happening for us.
I'm going to be in Chicago in a few weeks for meetings but have my fly in day free and going to a White Sox game in the afternoon and cub game at night. I've been to wrigley before but what are the good bars to go to around the stadium ?
[quote="mjmaherjr" post=330935][quote="Marillac" post=330930][quote="Jack Williams" post=330927]I’m 21 years old and I’ve dealt with so much losing being a sports fan in my life that I have basically mastered the art of dealing with losing. I always have one day where it hits me like a truck and then I just pick myself up and move on.

Today is that day for St. John’s. so I’m hurting today but tomorrow I’ll just move on[/quote]

Stop checking bracket matrix ;)

You are a a Mets fan I believe so the losing you’ve endured is not that bad compared to growing up in the 90’s was like while the Yankees were winning. It was awful. And I was a Yankees fan until Jessie Barfield told me to shut the f up. No, Jessie, you shut the f up and thanks for making me cheer for a perennial loser.

I’m confident Jessie will read this with the selection committee and Mike Zaun.[/quote] why did Barfield curse at you ? I dont remember you ever telling us that story. I assumed you were always a met fan[/quote]

My dad was a Yankees fan and my mom and my grandma were big Mets fans that bought
me the starting lineup Mets figures and tried to make me a Mets fan. My dad got pissed and took me to work with him in Manhattan (which he knew I loved ) and then surprised me and my mom by taking me to Yankees games after, got me a hat, and sold me on Barfield being as good as my favorite player Strawberry. He even got me to 50-60% Yankee fan.

During our last game it was raining and there were like 300 fans left in the whole stadium so I ran down and shouted support at Barfield. He was miserable because it was cold and rainy and after an hour of that he turned to me after a missed play and said “kid, shut the fuck up!” And that was it for the Yankees. 100 mph for the Mets ever since. A painful journey. He got me to like the Giants though.
Hey Beast,
I luv your short stories.
This one's a novella--but also very good.
Keep 'em coming!
[quote="Marillac" post=331015][quote="mjmaherjr" post=330935][quote="Marillac" post=330930][quote="Jack Williams" post=330927]I’m 21 years old and I’ve dealt with so much losing being a sports fan in my life that I have basically mastered the art of dealing with losing. I always have one day where it hits me like a truck and then I just pick myself up and move on.

Today is that day for St. John’s. so I’m hurting today but tomorrow I’ll just move on[/quote]

Stop checking bracket matrix ;)

You are a a Mets fan I believe so the losing you’ve endured is not that bad compared to growing up in the 90’s was like while the Yankees were winning. It was awful. And I was a Yankees fan until Jessie Barfield told me to shut the f up. No, Jessie, you shut the f up and thanks for making me cheer for a perennial loser.

I’m confident Jessie will read this with the selection committee and Mike Zaun.[/quote] why did Barfield curse at you ? I dont remember you ever telling us that story. I assumed you were always a met fan[/quote]

My dad was a Yankees fan and my mom and my grandma were big Mets fans that bought
me the starting lineup Mets figures and tried to make me a Mets fan. My dad got pissed and took me to work with him in Manhattan (which he knew I loved ) and then surprised me and my mom by taking me to Yankees games after, got me a hat, and sold me on Barfield being as good as my favorite player Strawberry. He even got me to 50-60% Yankee fan.

During our last game it was raining and there were like 300 fans left in the whole stadium so I ran down and shouted support at Barfield. He was miserable because it was cold and rainy and after an hour of that he turned to me after a missed play and said “kid, shut the fuck up!” And that was it for the Yankees. 100 mph for the Mets ever since. A painful journey. He got me to like the Giants though.[/quote]

Could have been worse. It could have been david cone in the mets bullpen jerking around.
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[quote="Jack Williams" post=330927]I’m 21 years old and I’ve dealt with so much losing being a sports fan in my life that I have basically mastered the art of dealing with losing. I always have one day where it hits me like a truck and then I just pick myself up and move on.

Today is that day for St. John’s. so I’m hurting today but tomorrow I’ll just move on[/quote]
That's the right attitude Jack. It will be worth it if one of your teams come through for you. 1986 Mets was it for me. Cheering for the mid to late 70's Mets and too young for 1969 Mets. It was a great year they kicked everyone's a-- and then of course almost blew the whole season in the playoffs to an inferior Red Sox and Astros team. It was complete vindication in my mind for all the suffering. Alas, its now 33 years and counting....get up dust off and wait for next season!
Look, losing sucks for everyone involved who is the least bit competitive. To a large extent though, how we respond to losing, whether our favorite teams, in our career, or in relationships defines who we are and what we are made of.

As far as I'm concerned those Cub fans are great, and I was happy for them when they won it all finally.

I have my bucket list of stadiums and also found that red Sox, Dodgers, cardinal, and giant fans are all great.

Was thrilled this summer while at barry bonds day to find myself seated near some giants fans who live in sf long term but are originally from ny.

We are so heavily invested emotionally in our teams that we literally act like they assaulted us by losing. But we weren't the ones trying to.improve our games, practicing 5 days per week or more, going to classes, and trying to win for hundreds of thousands of fans if not more. May not feel like it but our kids gave their all for sju and us fans and deserve our support win or lose.
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[quote="Beast of the East" post=331038]Look, losing sucks for everyone involved who is the least bit competitive. To a large extent though, how we respond to losing, whether our favorite teams, in our career, or in relationships defines who we are and what we are made of.

As far as I'm concerned those Cub fans are great, and I was happy for them when they won it all finally.

I have my bucket list of stadiums and also found that red Sox, Dodgers, cardinal, and giant fans are all great.

Was thrilled this summer while at barry bonds day to find myself seated near some giants fans who live in sf long term but are originally from ny.

We ate so heavily invested emotionally in our teams that we literally act like they assaulted us by losing. But we weren't the ones trying to.improve our games, practicing 5 days per week or more, going to classes, and trying to win for hundreds of thousands of fans if not more. May not feel like it but our kids gave their all for sju and us fans and deserve our support win or lose.[/quote] best post I've read on the site the last month during these trying times as a fan