Walter "The Truth" Berry

WHEN it became clear two summers ago that Walter Berry would attend St. John's, someone asked Shelton Jones to gauge the impact that Berry, a legendary New York City high school star, might have on the Big East.
Jones, an incoming freshman at the time and a teammate of Berry's on a summer league team, was so impressed by Berry's ability that, after going on and on about him, he finally said, ''Man, Walter's the truth.''
There was plenty of buzz around campus that Berry might attend. There's a great story Walter tells about his "recruitment" but that's for another time.

I was in a pet shop (aquarium) on union tpk, and Chris Mullin was there with his good pal Larry Falabella. Guys from that era would know him - really good guy. Anyways, I stopped Chris and I asked him if the rumors are true, if Berry is coming to St. John's.

In his typical understated way, Chris replied, "That' what I hear. I sure hope so. We could definitely use him." The same way he responds if he is concerned that Lovett or Keita was injured ("Inuries are a part of the game."

Berry saying yet, set the stag for our greatest moments over the past 65 years. Yes, Villanova has done more over the past 3 seasons that our entire history, but that doesn't diminish what Walter and Chris did here.
If Berry were the coach and some of you trashed him the way you trash Mullin my posting defense of Berry would make even Old Red blush.
Funny fact. In the 4 years Mullin played here which coincides with my first 4 years of fandom, Mullin was only my favorite player ONE of those years.
Off the court, my favorite Walter Berry memory. One day, I am walking down past Alumni Hall, I see a dude with a sun roof with his head basically sticking out of the sunroof while driving. It was Walter Berry. He was so tall in this small car that it was like a clown car. We all had a good laugh. Whenever he was around campus you would hear some of the other kids yell to him "tell e'm the truth Walter". Good memories of a younger day.
I still get the chills from watching his block against the Pearl in the waning seconds of the Big East Championship game (and Marco Baldi’s ability not to commit a corresponding foul)!
I was there with dad an SJU alum, was one of the greatest games I've ever been to live.