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The Dodgers have placed Scully into their Ring of Honor, obviously well deserved. Being an ardent Brooklyn Dodger fan he was one of my favorite sport announcers. How did I meet him, you ask? The Bums were playing a very important game against the Boston Braves at Ebbets Field. The game was sold out. One of my friends whose dad knew a guard at E.F.brought me and two other buddies pretty sure he would get us into this game. Unfortunately, we couldn't find him so before going home we stopped by the press entrance. Lo and behold, a limousine pulls up with Scully, Connie Desmond and a few umpires. Scully calls out to me to help carry the umps luggage (trunk) to their dressing room. So along with my friends we lumbered up a long flight of stairs to the umps dressing room. To my surprise there was a very heavy set umpire, Dusty Boggess, getting changed. And hanging on a line was his long underwear. Well Redmen I always wished I could appear on the TV show, I Got a Secret. BTW, we were unable to find a seat during the game. And after being stopped constantly by ushers who would believe our story.