Very sobering article about N Korea EMP threat

IT wouldn’t happen overnight. But it could happen.
A new report to the US Congress warns one or two nuclear weapons detonated high in the atmosphere above the country would — within a few months and years — lead to the death of 90 per cent of the country’s population.

An asteroid hitting the earth could do the same.

IT wouldn’t happen overnight. But it could happen.
A new report to the US Congress warns one or two nuclear weapons detonated high in the atmosphere above the country would — within a few months and years — lead to the death of 90 per cent of the country’s population.

An asteroid hitting the earth could do the same.
Yeah, so what's one more threat?

IT wouldn’t happen overnight. But it could happen.
A new report to the US Congress warns one or two nuclear weapons detonated high in the atmosphere above the country would — within a few months and years — lead to the death of 90 per cent of the country’s population.
Gots 2 b Trump's fault, right? :sick:

IT wouldn’t happen overnight. But it could happen.
A new report to the US Congress warns one or two nuclear weapons detonated high in the atmosphere above the country would — within a few months and years — lead to the death of 90 per cent of the country’s population.
Gots 2 b Trump's fault, right? :sick:

Nah, all the other weak presidents, giving n korea money not to make nukes, but guess what, they still did.
Everyone knew this was gonna come to ahead sooner or later, only Trump has the balls to confront them.
All the others kissed kim ass
By the way a 3rd air craft carrier join the reagan and roosevelt today
We are rightfully concerned about nations of concern having nuclear arms.

Then again, only one nation ever used them .

Maybe we need military technology to eliminate their threat.

At the Reagan presidential museum in Simi Valley one exhibit speaks of Russian fears over Reagan's proclamation of our "stsr wars missile defense system". In face to face meetings with the soviets, Gorbachev became unhinged when Reagan spoke about it. Colin Powell and others in the room.who knew it was bogus to this day do not know if Reagan was aware or not because he was so convincing if he was acting.

Some of the posturing by north Korea and trump today is just that - political bluster. Many political analysts feel that north Korea's race to nuclear weaponry will just be used by north Korean to trade reduction in a nuclear arsenal for something they need, like foreign aid.