Update on Coach Lavin's condition.


 http://espn.go.com/new-york/ncb/story/_/id/7014123/st-john-red-storm-coach-steve-lavin-talks-cancer-treatment-options Good Luck Coach!
 He looked great today at the Dribble for the Cure! It was 78 degrees with 80% humidity and he had
his full SJ sweats on and walked the entire route with the families. As one personally touched by cancer, both his and others, I found his efforts commendable!
I think I echo all sentiments here when I say that I hope Coach doesn't miss any time this season.

However, if he had to, the one thing I am confident in, is the ability of Mike Dunlap and staff to hold down the fort in Lavin's abscense. 
 Best of luck Coach in the most important battle of your life.
We are all praying for you.
 Best of luck Coach in the most important battle of your life.
We are all praying for you.

redmannorth, thanks for recognizing the seriousness of this news. It's not about Coach Lavin missing any time with the team, it's about him battling a life-threatening disease. It's critical to catch prostate cancer in its early stages -- and thank God he took the necessary steps to do just that -- and I'm optimistic about his coming out on top, but let's not fool ourselves: this disease, particularly in younger men, can be very aggressive and Coach is in for a very bumpy ride ... so let's make sure we keep things in perspective and that we keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Get well, Coach!  
 Best of luck Coach in the most important battle of your life.
We are all praying for you.

redmannorth, thanks for recognizing the seriousness of this news. It's not about Coach Lavin missing any time with the team, it's about him battling a life-threatening disease. It's critical to catch prostate cancer in its early stages -- and thank God he took the necessary steps to do just that -- and I'm optimistic about his coming out on top, but let's not fool ourselves: this disease, particularly in younger men, can be very aggressive and Coach is in for a very bumpy ride ... so let's make sure we keep things in perspective and that we keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Get well, Coach!  

 Best of luck Coach in the most important battle of your life.
We are all praying for you.

redmannorth, thanks for recognizing the seriousness of this news. It's not about Coach Lavin missing any time with the team, it's about him battling a life-threatening disease. It's critical to catch prostate cancer in its early stages -- and thank God he took the necessary steps to do just that -- and I'm optimistic about his coming out on top, but let's not fool ourselves: this disease, particularly in younger men, can be very aggressive and Coach is in for a very bumpy ride ... so let's make sure we keep things in perspective and that we keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Get well, Coach!  

Coach Lavin will be fine! Not only was it caught early but was of such a low-grade that last year his doctors chose watchful waiting instead of surgery or radiation. Since his PSA doubled his doctors have recommended treatment but the grade of the cancer has not changed. His cancer has a 90% cure rate which is equivalent to a low grade skin cancer. Yes, it can be aggressive but for all the readers, especially fans and recruits reading this, please take the above with a whole lot of optimism but coach has the best medical advice in NY and they say he will be cured.
 Having just gone through this very situation (and surgery) a few weeks ago, I am sure Coach will be fine. He'll have a number of difficult weeks ahead if he opts for the surgery (which I assume he will do). But in time he'll be ok. Good luck Coach, you can do this. Trust me.
 Having just gone through this very situation (and surgery) a few weeks ago, I am sure Coach will be fine. He'll have a number of difficult weeks ahead if he opts for the surgery (which I assume he will do). But in time he'll be ok. Good luck Coach, you can do this. Trust me.

Pat,sorry to hear about your recent surgery but very happy that you are alright. You will be in my daily prayers.
 Having just gone through this very situation (and surgery) a few weeks ago, I am sure Coach will be fine. He'll have a number of difficult weeks ahead if he opts for the surgery (which I assume he will do). But in time he'll be ok. Good luck Coach, you can do this. Trust me.

I'm wishing the both you the best of luck.
Most men who live long enough will be introduced, very personally to their Prostate Gland.........Best of luck Coach Lavin, and best of luck GoldenLeaf. God Bless.............  
 Having just gone through this very situation (and surgery) a few weeks ago, I am sure Coach will be fine. He'll have a number of difficult weeks ahead if he opts for the surgery (which I assume he will do). But in time he'll be ok. Good luck Coach, you can do this. Trust me.

Good luck Golden Leaf.