The Original Skywalker


Well-known member
Just thought I would share this blast from the past. I saw the Yakwe "skywalker" comment and it brought back memories of my favorite SJU player growing up (aside from CM). I was @10 when Russell was the original, play above the rim" SJU player. Everytime he touched the ball it felt (in the eyes of a 10 year old) like another monster dunk was coming. ANyway if your old enjoy. If your young...well I'm sad for you missing DR play(=

Thanks for sharing. I'm glad Moran pointed out that Russel also brought more than jumping ability. Russel had an excellent mid range shot and I believe scored more than 50% in each year he played here. Most of his baskets were not dunks or inside 5 feet. The piece also points out his late development - I think he grew 4 inches in his junior year of high school. Back in his day, Suffolk county was producing a bumper crop of college recruits with UK and UNC making regular visits to the area.

Russel was truly one of our best players.
Family friend gave us tickets to see ST John's play sometime in 81 or 82 when I was 8 or 9. My father kept telling me about this great Freshman Mullin. Left the game with Russell as my favorite player. So David Russell owns the distinction of being WASJU's first favorite Johnnie. He also became the first of many Johnnies that I could not believe did not have at least have a cup of coffee in the pros.