A couple of points on this: 1) The NYP is wrong about 30 credits / year being a 'burden'. It's a normal level of credits for full-time students. And even less than 15 / semester of summer school is an option. 2) I'm a strong advocate of 'leveling the playing field' but frankly this 'free college' mania is in my view a poorly conceived perspective masquerading as 'good' social policy. It sounds great from the political podium, but will likely prove ineffective in changing much. 3) I posit that, instead, we follow the lead of Germany, which has a strong education system on a merit basis and also a strong trade / apprentice ship culture that orients people to their talents and provides good/great career opportunities. I realize the USA is currently Mars to Germany's Jupiter in terms of culture, unions, minimum wage, etc.
But, I think we lost focus years back when trade schools and skills-taught education was defended.
My 2 cents.