Thank God, Angel Hernandez “Error” Over

This will give him time to read his library of books, all in braille.
Too bad he isn't having a retirement season. I'd love to see the gifts the teams would give to him....I'm betting on many bags of burning feces...
The other umpires can not be too happy about this. They are going to look less and less compotent, with no one like Angel still around to compare themselves too.

Of course, they were always lousy, but Angel was on a whole different level.
I don’t know what is more bizarre: The interest of the retirement of an MLB umpire did not derail a college baseball portal thread, or there was that much of an interest in the retirement of an MLB umpire to merit its own thread.
Should have retired before he ever started. Just the worst and with a chip on his shoulder which made his incompetence even worst.