Syracuse, NY''s team


 I'm working from home today withe Yankee game on. Andru Jones hits a two run home run off the Syracuse sign in left field which has the disgusthing tag line " New York's Team". Are they kidding ? We need to counter this nonsence.
 I'm working from home today withe Yankee game on. Andru Jones hits a two run home run off the Syracuse sign in left field which has the disgusthing tag line " New York's Team". Are they kidding ? We need to counter this nonsence.

This was brought up when the season started. Since Brandon Steiner a CUSE grad is up the Yankees you know what they gave him and his alma mater some prime space.

I was upset that the sign didnt fall down when the ball hit it.
 I'm working from home today withe Yankee game on. Andru Jones hits a two run home run off the Syracuse sign in left field which has the disgusthing tag line " New York's Team". Are they kidding ? We need to counter this nonsence.

This was brought up when the season started. Since Brandon Steiner a CUSE grad is up the Yankees you know what they gave him and his alma mater some prime space.

I was upset that the sign didnt fall down when the ball hit it.

At least it's in leftfield where we don't have to see it as much. Imagine if we had to look at that everytime one of those cheap Yankee Stadium rightfield homeruns were hit.

Wait -- Flash Flash to Mark Fratto. Can we put our sign up in the right field stands - near the Modell's sign. Mike Rep are you listening ?
 I'm working from home today withe Yankee game on. Andru Jones hits a two run home run off the Syracuse sign in left field which has the disgusthing tag line " New York's Team". Are they kidding ? We need to counter this nonsence.

This was brought up when the season started. Since Brandon Steiner a CUSE grad is up the Yankees you know what they gave him and his alma mater some prime space.

I was upset that the sign didnt fall down when the ball hit it.

At least it's in leftfield where we don't have to see it as much. Imagine if we had to look at that everytime one of those cheap Yankee Stadium rightfield homeruns were hit.

Wait -- Flash Flash to Mark Fratto. Can we put our sign up in the right field stands - near the Modell's sign. Mike Rep are you listening ?

But nobody hits HR's at Citi Field