Basketball, it seems, has more of these tragic derailment of potential careers before they ever got going. The legend is built on potential hardly realized, and if we are honest with ourselves would care little about the individual who threw it all away except for his ability to play ball.
How many Lloyd Daniels' are there who have wasted their lives on drugs and crime, who drank or did drugs with an aunt, like Daniels. How many could have used a serious dose of paternal discipline (and fear of God) that only a father can dole out. How many of us seriously care about those names we never knew because they couldn't entertain us the way a Lloyd Daniels could?
In Daniel's mind, he can be a bigger star than if he ever stepped onto a college or NBA court to dazzle. After all, there is always the allure of potential that never had a chance for actualization. Certainly Rysheed Jordan is heading down that road.