Getting old sucks until you fully consider the alternative.
We are set. Saw the manager today and we have an outside but covered corner area set up that can grow if more arrive. Looking forward to meeting folks.
We are set. Saw the manager today and we have an outside but covered corner area set up that can grow if more arrive. Looking forward to meeting folks.
We are set. Saw the manager today and we have an outside but covered corner area set up that can grow if more arrive. Looking forward to meeting folks.
Had to mention outside didn't you?
Rubbing it in
Paging oldfan.
Richard Steinfeld and his son Josh and me, the manager who thanked me for setting it up not working, and the staff treating us like we had violated some sacred football Sunday code of honor. Good to meet Richard and his son but if we try again it will be at a different place. Rich and I both live less than ten minutes away so we raced to our respective homes at half time.Hey guys, how did the Boca bash go?