St. John's men basketball surge to Number 1

This is a joke. We'd beat the piss out of any of those schools at any point of the season. SH would be the only team that could keep it close at this point.

This is a joke. We'd beat the piss out of any of those schools at any point of the season. SH would be the only team that could keep it close at this point.

The webpage had it just below Syracuse climbing to number 1, so I thought it was an error, but pretty funny since it compelled me to open it.
Up until the formation of the Big East in the mid seventies a rating of the local teams made some sense . Since then it has no validity at all. The difficulty factor in the teams schedules makes it impossible to have any comparisons.
At one time making all-met and certainly winning the Haggerty award was an achievement . Now it means very little.
It's embarrassing that we are down mentioned in those polls. We are a high major team and should be better than everyone on that list.
Newsday is a joke when it comes to college b'ball. They cover games from in front of a Philco TV set. And poll by whom....the writer? Who votes in this "poll"? I certainly never saw any reader ballots or online judging.
I don't think it is a ranking based on head to head comparison but rather how each team is doing at their relative level.