At a home game not too long ago I spoke to the engineer of the live game shows and he indicated to me that the games this season are not being broadcast on the radio. This does not make much sense to me. If you have gone to the trouble and expense of hiring John Minko and his color person (Brandon Tierney, Vin Parise, Brian Mahoney, or whoever) to do games and produce a broadcast you would think you would want to reach the largest audience possible.
I know that these days many people stream everything but there are still some of us who have radios in our cars and homes and would like to be able to simply tune in to the pre-game show, live game calls, and post-game wrap-ups. At the end of the day having radio broadcasts of games over the air can only enhance the program, serve a portion of the fan base, and increase overall program visibility. Hopefully, in the future, our games will be accessible on over-the-air radio.
I know that these days many people stream everything but there are still some of us who have radios in our cars and homes and would like to be able to simply tune in to the pre-game show, live game calls, and post-game wrap-ups. At the end of the day having radio broadcasts of games over the air can only enhance the program, serve a portion of the fan base, and increase overall program visibility. Hopefully, in the future, our games will be accessible on over-the-air radio.