Sleepy Floyd/Reggie Carter/Wayne McCoy, et.,al.


Active member
The start of the days when G'Town/SJU rivalry started to pick up steam. I recall heading down, while a student, to that dumpy little gym on Georgetown campus. Things were starting to heat up as G'town was no longer a lap dog. Sadly, both schools are a shadow of what they were. We can't even set screens... :-(   
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GoldenLeaf post=454900 said:
The start of the days when G'Town/SJU rivalry started to pick up steam. I recall heading down, while a student, to that dumpy little gym on Georgetown campus. Things were starting to heat up as G'town was no longer a lap dog. Sadly, both schools are a shadow of what they were. We can't even set screens... :-(   

Sadly you’re right.

Missed you.  Hope all is well.  Please visit/post more.