Jumbo my etc. is pretty much catch all for any crimes my major concern is sju allowing students with multiple arrests. the university should have the right to investigate potential applicants, types of crimes/violations circumstances involved and make a well informed admissions decision that protects the staff and students.
So all crimes are equal then?
I think to be fair, that there are crimes that indicate behaviors that threaten the safety of other students. Those are the ones I'd be concerned with. If someone was arrested for having a false phony driver's license, I would not think it's a reason not to admit a student. However, aggravated assault or rape would be, no?
I agree with you......but what do you do with crimes that are not threatening, but could potentially be, such as a DUI? What if an 18yr old has 1 beer one night, gets pulled over, and because they are underage, automatically get a DUI with a blood alcohol content of like .01?
Also, what about the adult generation that is going back to college? What if a 50yr old who, after working for many years and being a productive member of society, decides to go back to college, but was convicted of a serious crime when they were in their early 20s? Do you admit them?
I'm sure that each one of us could throw out a million 'what if' scenarios to prove our point. I just think that they need to figure out how to convert that grey area into straight black or white.
Otherwise, they will have to examine each applicant individually, and with that many applicants each year, I just don't know if its worth the time or the money, or if its even possible at all.