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Staff member
A friendly reminder that this is a moderated forum and basic civility is required to remain a member in good standing.

This site is a playground for people of all races, faiths, and ages who support this program to meet and discuss their shared passion. Treat everyone with respect and civility.

If you can't play by that simple rule, you will get demoted to the rookie forum for a period of time. Repeat and/or egregious offenders will be permanently banned.

I should not have to clarify this in any way as it is both common sense and common decency. All of the common sense areas such as hate speech of course apply, as does the general rule of civil engagement being attack the argument, not the person. Repetitive posting and cross-posting of the same thing is discourteous and not fair to the community. Passive aggressive behavior / flame baiting is just as bad as the flaming and attacks so don't start it or portray yourself as a victim to stir up trouble. This includes attacks and innuendo regarding the the moderators/moderation: whining about moderation or otherwise attacking the moderators is not tolerated. The moderators are people who put themselves in the position of making difficult judgment calls and get zero credit or compensation. In some cases as their only reward, they've only had years of criticism and personal attacks. Those members who engage in this, show little class or respect for this community as a whole. This includes the moderators, as well as every other member who doesn't want to read through your: complaining, trolling, spamming, flaming and flame baiting, that takes the topic specific threads, off topic.


(1)if you see something offensive, report it. Do not reply in kind. "He started it" or "Another poster has gotten away with worse" are not viable defenses for poor behavior.
(2) Politics and religion are not for this site. Since here and in our society in general today, it is impossible to have civil political discussions, it naturally falls under flame baiting. There are obvious areas where politics, religion, and education and occasionally sports as well, intersect. When these issues arise and are relevant and newsworthy, refrain from engaging or baiting partisan politics.
(3) images, memes etc fall under the same guidelines as everything else.
(4) "just a joke" is not a free pass.
(5) Moderation is an organic process. There is no hegemony among the moderators. There is no political agenda. When your post gets moderated you are not being singled out. It may feel that way, but ask yourself if you have violated one of the etiquette issues outlined here. If you have a disagreement with the moderation, take it up directly via PM with a moderator or contact me.


*updated 09/11/2020

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At the bottom right-hand corner of the web page you will find a link to the newly-released Mission Statement, which also includes the Code of Conduct for the site. [You will find that the Code of Conduct is substantially the same as the "Forum Etiquette" rules which are sticky-ed in this forum, so they shouldn't be much of a surprise.]

Please read at your convenience and PM any of the moderators or the site owner if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

On behalf of the moderators, I make the following plea: For the love of God, PLEASE try to keep your posts in a thread on topic. Every thread cannot go down a rabbit hole where it winds up somewhere that has nothing to do with the subject.

If you want to have a new conversation in the middle of a thread, either start a new one or find an existing one that's relevant to your point and have at it there.

We do not want to devote time and energy to moving posts or entire threads wholesale, but we are coming close to being forced to do so.

We understand that some of the current thread titles are a little broad and might invite a lot of varied discussion, but when it doubt take a look a the original post on a thread and see if your comments belong there or would be better placed elsewhere.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you in advance for your courtesy and cooperation.
My Dear Lawfanman
May I beseech you for one final exception to your well reasoned plea to remain on topic...
My alma mater shutout Navy recently and today Army defeated Air Force - both games being played along the banks of the Hudson River.
I now seek the trifecta when St.John’s defeats Georgetown showing tremendous Army like defensive prowess!
Go Red Storm. Grab your first BE W! And again a sincere thanks for this one final exception to the staying on topic edict.
(Mea culpa, my bad etc.)
Happy and healthy holidays to our Moderators - grateful for all the special work they do.
The Generals
Regarding staying on topic and the regression of every topic to recruiting sucks, CMA can't coach, OMG the sky is falling, entire threads, no matter the original intent, are going to start going bye-bye soon if you guys can't get it under control.

The moderators will no longer continue to read this crap over and over and we will either deep six it or simply move to a generic "Complaints" thread.

Your choice.
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