SI / Pete Axthelm

What a great read! I'd all but given up on SI as a sports media outlet. They don't even register on my regular reading list anymore. thanks for flagging this one. Really enjoyed it!
jerseyshorejohnny" post=415526 said:

Great article. I still subscribe to Sports Illustrated.

The City Game is one of my favorite books. Pete Axthelm's characters were real to me since most of them were my peers. I personally knew a lot of the people he wrote about and had first hand knowledge of their stories.

What was truly remarkable about the book is how Axthelm connected with those he wrote about. It was not easy foe a White author to gain the trust of people in Harlem. That Axthelm was able to do this, shows how engaging a personality he was.

It has been almost 50 years since I read The City Game, guess I will download it to my Nook and read it again.