SI Article on Ewing


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I read this looking for the inevitable comparison of Ewing to Mullin but it never came. Instead we got this mention in the last paragraph:

The program is already buzz-less, lacking an on-court identity and has a roster so devoid of talent it would make 1980s Hoyas weep. If this hire goes right, it’ll be a dynamic marriage of a proud program and a boldfaced name. If it goes wrong? “Do you know who they become?” said another veteran college coach. “They become St. John’s.”

That's cold.

I read this looking for the inevitable comparison of Ewing to Mullin but it never came. Instead we got this mention in the last paragraph:

The program is already buzz-less, lacking an on-court identity and has a roster so devoid of talent it would make 1980s Hoyas weep. If this hire goes right, it’ll be a dynamic marriage of a proud program and a boldfaced name. If it goes wrong? “Do you know who they become?” said another veteran college coach. “They become St. John’s.”

That's cold.

More reason for us to support the program and serve this quoted, but unidentified coach a giant shitburger.