Evans was a good guy, a beast of a body, but fundamentally not a very good basketball player. His upcourt out of control dribbling leading the break was an adventure at best, with a 50-50 chance he'd lose the ball or turn it over before getting much past midcourt. He never boxed out and relied instead on physical ability to rebound, often leaving defenders for easy putbacks. One of the transformative strategic moves was Lavin benching him for Brownlee, who was a rock solid option until he broke his finger, which basically help derail a team on the roll.
I would have to defer to Sleeveless dude, but I always believed that it was our band of loyal student fans who came up with the "Do It for DJ" t-shirts, and not Evans, but could be wrong.
Always felt he was a football player in a basketball uniform and his sheer athleticism at his height leading to any productivity he had on the court over and above limited basketball skills. Doesn't preclude him being a nice guy, but had Roberts coached the Lavin team 1 with both Hardy and Brownlee on the bench, that would be an NIT team IMO.