SDSU Aztecs mascot

beast of the east

Active member
I'm not sure if the TV cameras focused on the SDSU Aztecs mascot at all during timeouts.

I think most SJU fans in Charlotte were puzzled how the SJU name Redmen, and our mascot iin full headgear and scantily dressed was offensive but the Aztec mascot, almost identically dressed, is completely acceptable.

Any thoughts?
Less Aztecs around to be offended?

That and being from another country keeps them in the safe zone.

Great idea Marillac! Actually your first one this week after your meltdown.
I think Desco80 should start a new poll. I would but I have become a lazy curmudgeon like my idol Steve Lavin. Since we can go with mascots of the Indian persuasion from a country in the safe zone I hereby declare we do away with sexism and adopt a female mascot. I nominate Inca Dinca Doo as our new Inca warrior mascot!
Vote early and often.
P.S. the Lavin extension poll will stay open indefinitely or until the no's have a 51-49 majority.
