"Scandal at St.John's: An Update" in Crisis Mag


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2022 $upporter Moderator
The below linked article entitled "Scandal at St.John's: An Update" appeared in Crisis Magazine on September 2, 2013 and points out that many in the St.John's community remain disturbed that Harrington, Wiles nor any other st. John's administrator has admitted wrongdoing in any the many scandals which have made the news over the past several months. It is interesting that St.John's, a Vicentian institution appears to have adopted the secular position and policy that so long as no laws were violated that the actions of Harrington and others with loans for real estate investments is acceptable.

The below linked article entitled "Scandal at St.John's: An Update" appeared in Crisis Magazine on September 2, 2013 and points out that many in the St.John's community remain disturbed that Harrington, Wiles nor any other st. John's administrator has admitted wrongdoing in any the many scandals which have made the news over the past several months. It is interesting that St.John's, a Vicentian institution appears to have adopted the secular position and policy that so long as no laws were violated that the actions of Harrington and others with loans for real estate investments is acceptable.


While I agree with you in concept, I take a slightly different opinion. While I'd have no problem with both Harrington and Wile being subject to the full weight of the legal system - just as Harrington saw fit to have Chang prosecuted, the board did the important stuff. The excised the pair from the university, and not honorably. This was like a general discharge in the military - anything less than an honorable discharge is dishonorable. The important thing is that even after 20+ years of growing the university (despite our criticisms), the board concluded that Harrington and WIle must go. The board is comprised of successful businessmen, and I'm confident that the negative publicity surrounding a criminal prosecution of a priest and high ranking staff member would far outweigh the justice that these two men be exposed to for their distasteful, criminal actions.
It is interesting that St.John's, a Vicentian institution appears to have adopted the secular position and policy that so long as no laws were violated that the actions of Harrington and others with loans for real estate investments is acceptable.

Perhaps they've adopted the position and policy of the Baby Jesus: If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Father Harrington always seemed to me to be pompous, arrogant, certainly not pastoral and, interested only in making the proper $$$$ connections . In all his years here, not once did he make Academic performance a goal or, fully embrace the brand of St John's over it's 100 plus years of existence and the role that Men's Basketball played in shaping that identity. Certainly a mostly positive one.

It's not surprising that in his last year here a scandal emerged that tarnishes not only the Harrington era but, the entire University. And, building dorms for a school that existed as a commuter school for over 100 years and, did pretty well, wasn't necessary.
The below linked article entitled "Scandal at St.John's: An Update" appeared in Crisis Magazine on September 2, 2013 and points out that many in the St.John's community remain disturbed that Harrington, Wiles nor any other st. John's administrator has admitted wrongdoing in any the many scandals which have made the news over the past several months. It is interesting that St.John's, a Vicentian institution appears to have adopted the secular position and policy that so long as no laws were violated that the actions of Harrington and others with loans for real estate investments is acceptable.


While I agree with you in concept, I take a slightly different opinion. While I'd have no problem with both Harrington and Wile being subject to the full weight of the legal system - just as Harrington saw fit to have Chang prosecuted, the board did the important stuff. The excised the pair from the university, and not honorably. This was like a general discharge in the military - anything less than an honorable discharge is dishonorable. The important thing is that even after 20+ years of growing the university (despite our criticisms), the board concluded that Harrington and WIle must go. The board is comprised of successful businessmen, and I'm confident that the negative publicity surrounding a criminal prosecution of a priest and high ranking staff member would far outweigh the justice that these two men be exposed to for their distasteful, criminal actions.
Pretty much agree with everything you wrote