Say Prayers for Bishop Iggy Cantanalo

Bishop Iggy taught at st.js for many yrs marriage family etc.. theology
He was a true Priest of Christ beeing raised in bay ridge brooklyn & getting his feet wet as a
rookie priest in howard beach then coming into my life at st.Anns flushing on the hill

Hes been fighting brian tumors w surgey recently the 3rd time in 3yrs If you had any contact with this great man then u have been touched by a true disciple of Jesus.
Hes now in queen of peace nursing home in quenns village unable to to live in his rectory next to sju in holy family bec, he cant walk anymore. so if this man touched your heart like he touched mine send him a prayer ,hello visit etc

thanks soo ,much & GOD Bless Him
Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius Catanello.

yes indeed

If it brings you any consolation the nuns at Queen of Peace provide excellent, loving care for all residents there. The Little Sisters of the Poor do such a fine job. They also run a facility in Staten Island where one of my relatives lived for ten years or so. My former pastor just became an aux bishop.
Iggy and I were seminarians together and friends in priesthood and in life. Now living and working over 36 years in Syracuse, NY, my wife and I and our four adult children now pray for him. He has been one of the most caring, gentle, Christ-like men we know and love. He is the pride of the Brooklyn Diocese, its priests and its people alike.

May the Holy Spirit ease his pains and comfort his heart and soul cushioned with the support of the prayers and love of all those ever so blessed to know Iggy.

Joe, Josie, Gio, Franc, Matt Crisafulli, and Mary (Crisafulli) & Tom Bernard.
Ash Wedneday