
Well-known member
2023 $upporter
Hi all,

As the fantasy football season approaches we have a couple of defectors from last year's coaching lineup. Wanna go up against Maher, Firestorm, Jr, and a bunch of guys who's screen names I can't remember, plus me, in a low budget ($50-75 tbd) league? Let me know by PM if interested. Past participants welcome. I'm talking about you Lawmanfan, AR, Mkras, Traczok, Conor, Sliva, et. al.
Hi all,

As the fantasy football season approaches we have a couple of defectors from last year's coaching lineup. Wanna go up against Maher, Firestorm, Jr, and a bunch of guys who's screen names I can't remember, plus me, in a low budget ($50-75 tbd) league? Let me know by PM if interested. Past participants welcome. I'm talking about you Lawmanfan, AR, Mkras, Traczok, Conor, Sliva, et. al.
Just don’t wait for bucketshardy to buy beers for winning last year. He gets the beer and drinks it before he gets to 114

All you get is a 5 cent can return
Is it head to head or everyone goes against everyone each week league?
Just give me the ring. Buckeyshardy won’t remember winning he’ll be so hammered at msg and firestorm well let’s just say Trump will make it illegal to send money across borders so that’s more for us . I’ll gladly take my $1.78 of his fee. Obviously I’m exaggerating it’s probably under $10 but I’m too tired to figure it out after market close
Thanks for the invite, but I’ll pass. I’m still in one league (which I won last year), but is tough since I don’t get to watch many of the games due to the time difference.