RIP Buddy Harrelson

So sad for me. He was my very first favorite player as a kid. As a skinny kid I was drawn to how Buddy could be a competent major league player at maybe 145 pounds as a 22-23 year old.

At SJU I was involved with a lot of frat stuff, IFC, and also the Dance Marathon one year. I wrote to pro athletes to get them to attend and also local teams to donate swag. We got a Jets receiver to attend, maybe Eddie Bell? I wrote to Buddy who was with the Phillies at the time. He wrote back with a long handwritten note, declining due to prior commitment but wishing us well and congratulating us for doing great charitable work. I still remember his handwriting.

Two of my best sju friends gave me an autographed Bud Harrelson baseball (and Bill Bradley basketball) for a big birthday after learning they were my two boyhood sports heroes.

Man, i still remember Buddy as a very young man who had in season commitments to the nation guard. Time goes by way too fast.
I loved that guy, only time I ever rooted for the Met's was 1969. Sorry fellow Yankees fans, I had to finally admit it.
Say it isn’ so. Just kidding. Buddy was the heart of those Mets teams and the anchor of their defense. My strong dislike (I don’t want use the word hate towards a person) of Pete Rose began with the fight he picked with Harrelson in 73 (this coming also from a Yankee fan).
