Repole on WFAN

 he thinks he knows everything, thats why he always has the paper open and computer on during his show.

And his hand on the phone line to hang up on anyone who tries to prove him wrong.
He is a blowhard and has been for a very, very long time.

He has far and away the worst interviewing skills of any host (radio or otherwise). He repeats his question 5 times before getting to the question mark and turns every question into a multiple choice question.

I listen to ESPN 1050 more and more now and suspect that many others do as well. Michael Kaye may be a Yankee homer but he is at least very respectful and appreciative of his callers.
Another difference is that guys like Michael Kay , Mike Breen and Bob Papa support their alma mater (Fordham).   

Add in Denzel Washington who just donated over $2mm to fund a new chair and scholarships for the acting department. And Felicia Rashad who is taking the chair spot.
theres a huge difference between listening to him on the radio and watching his show. if your just listening ,say, in your car or wherever, the caller has his or her say then mike responds. your mind makes you believe that the caller is listening to mike and then able to say something in return. but if you are watching the show you know that the caller was cut off as soon as they finished their question. say what you want, then let big chief wise mike showwer you with his brilliance. clown.