"The new far left social democratic movement in America is busy in states like California and New York fomenting hatred for anything Republican and labeling them racist."
Yep, lib trash plays that racist game if you voted for Trump.
It's a sad tactic by them, because no one wants to be labelled a racist, and think that Trumps voters will vote different. Me? I don't give a flying blank what you call me, I am gonna vote Trump in 2020 again, unless a hard core reagan conservative (with views that i strongly agree with, runs.).
The spanish calls Trump voters racist because of ICE deporting illegals. To bad, why should we gotta pay for them? Want to come here? Great, come, but come legally, not ILLEGALLLY. I think ICE is doing a fantastic job.
And, an investigation against Trump for a year and a half? The libs are trying to hard, it's time to give it up, you got nothing.
Yes Mike, 33% vote for Trump??? That's what my president would call "FAKE NEWS" HAHAHA.
The beginning of your response leads one to believe that you are quoting "class of 72", which I don't believe to be the case.