Re: New York's Best sports Story 2011

 The Daily News is asking fans to vote on the best N.Y. sports story of the year. Among the choices is our favorite sports story of 2011, the return of the Johnnies to revelance and the tourney under Coach Lavin. I just reviewed and voted and urge others who feel as we all do to vote by going to the on line NY Daily news/sports section/best NY sports stories of 2011, and then vote and rank. Does it make a difference? Perhaps not, but it may to a recruit or his or her family that we are impactful in the biggest sports news city in the nation (the world?) and that we are more important than a series of other exciting issues.
Right now our story is marginally ranked 15 by a few votes. The top ten sounds better. It takes a minute but it what real fans do.