RBC Decathlon Today @ SJU


Staff member
I don't know where to put this, but thought I would share with the board...today I competed in The RBC Decathlon which is an athletic competition for Wall St. employees (and related fields) to raise money for the pediatric center at Memorial Sloane Kettering. The field is littered with some incredible athletes including a number of former D1 and NFL players now working in Finance. Also competing were Dan O'Brien and Dave Johnson from the famed 1992 Dan vs. Dave Olympic rivalry. competed in the 30-39 division and finished a 13th out of 28 guys in my division. I also competed in the event last year coming in 9th in my age group, so I was disappointed with my results, but the focus was charity and a number of set backs hampered training (tore labrum and an kitchen knife falling on my toe to name a couple). My friends and family were tremendous and donated over $4k. The event as a whole raise an amazing $1.7mm during the one day event and has raised almost $5mm since the events inception.

It was an amazing experience getting to compete in beautiful Desilva Stadium. I haven't been there in a while and was surprised how little seating is in the stadium. There was a debate over verticals on the board recently, so here is one photo from my vertical. I was measured at 34". Not bad for an almost 35 year working stiff. I look forward to competing again next year and hope the continue hosting the event at SJU.
Good stuff Gman, and a great job by all the finance guys who make this event so productive. You guys raise a tremendous amount for a terrific cause.
Thank you both! The founders Dave and Mark do a tremendous job raising money for a great cause. The highlight of the day was watching Olympic great Dave Johnson throw a football 74 yards. Don't forget he is the world record Holder in the javelin.