There is a vast difference between St John's and Georgetown. Georgetown is a Jesuit institution. Love them or hate them, the Jesuits have a very different view of education than the Vincentians and a very different mission. The Vincentians are dedicated to serving the poor. They are I'm afraid, far more adept at running orphanages than they are colleges (or basketball teams)
Cheap public schools are better fit for serving the poor. A university with these kind of costs clearly isnt about poor in any way beyond hollow rhetoric:
I agree it is time for the university to focus on acedemic upgrade and capitalize on its advantages. Hopefully Gempesaw has the vision to set things on the right path.
Also good to know he is a real basketball guy and knows the sport well. I dont think he will be taken with Lavs bs and charm. I think next year we see a
real coach at STJ as a result