Post -- SJU staff member in photo with Mia booster

 Well, nothing good can come of this. On the bright side however, it happened when Hicks and SJU were not associated with each other and it doesn't appear that Moe is guilty of any violations or wrongdoing. 
 “If I’m St. John’s the last thing I want is for my director of basketball operations to be in a picture with a guy in Miami who is considered the biggest cheater in the history of college sports,” one Big East basketball person told The Post. “They’ve got it going there and you want to be as far away from this story as possible.”

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Is this person serious?
Hicks wasn't even in the employ of STJ at the time.
Makes it seem as if they were friends.
Robbins knows better.
This story has no legs.
This story has no legs.

I agree, but it starts to sprout legs as more writers hop on board.

I don't think it has legs even if the NCAA starts sniffing around us, but the sniffing will be an annoyance that I'm sure the school would rather not deal with.
So perhaps Hicks exercised poor judgement a few years ago when he was a high school coach.
Please give me a break and lets get back to discussing recruiting or possible line-ups this season.
We must have better things to discuss? 
He was not even a guest of Shapiro's at the party. They just happened to be in the same place.

Also, we should have the right to see the picture. It could be of Shapiro, and Hicks could have just been mingling in the background.

A whole lot of nothing, IMO. 
i remember seeing john wayne gacy posing with one of our presidents...either ford or carter. that didn't make either of them a supporter of serial killers.

and, no, he wasn't dressed up as a clown.
i remember seeing john wayne gacy posing with one of our presidents...either ford or carter. that didn't make either of them a supporter of serial killers.

and, no, he wasn't dressed up as a clown.
