Please Say A Prayer For This SJU Alumna

They are neighbors of mine! Our community is in shock. The city and Feds financed a bike and jogging trail along the bay that runs for miles and is totally unprotected or monitored by police. Young hobos have been allowed to build encampments in the weeds around the bay and are allowed to beg on our street corners. It took a murder of this beautiful young lady to get a police presence but for our POS mayor DeBlasio it is too little too late. :evil:
Can anyone tell me how close Astoria is to this area?

As far as Queens goes, quite a ways. This is close to the Rockaway peninsula, near Ozone Park and Broad Channel.

My kids are athletes and run a lot. They run in Central Park, where they say there are hordes of runners. Really beautiful kid and at that hour of day should have been perfectly safe.
Can anyone tell me how close Astoria is to this area?

As far as Queens goes, quite a ways. This is close to the Rockaway peninsula, near Ozone Park and Broad Channel.

My kids are athletes and run a lot. They run in Central Park, where they say there are hordes of runners. Really beautiful kid and at that hour of day should have been perfectly safe.

Specifically, this murder occurred in Howard Beach. The area the young girl was found in is a few blocks south of the Belt Parkway in an unlit area locals call the weeds because of the high sea grass along the running parh. What is very disturbing is that this occurred during daylight near the girl's home. She normally ran with a partner or her retired firefighter dad but not yesterday. Very few people run that path because it is unsecured and part of Gateway National Park who provide minimal upkeep or services.
Horrible story. I will say a prayer for her soul and her father. The story I read indicated the retired firefighter father usually runs with her and he couldn't because his back was bothering him. Unfortunately he will have to live with the "what if" the rest of his life. He doesn't deserve to but you can imagine he will.
I hope they catch the piece of shit that did this.