Playground Basketball's Lost Dream

Foster Park in Flatbush, the one used as home base in Rick Talender's book Heaven is a Playground, was my park growing up. We spent thousands and thousands of hours all year, all day and into the evening at that park. I even knew Rodney Parker the street agent-ticket scalper.
George Bruns and Tommy McNeice played here as did Jim McMillan and Heyward Dotson once in a while. And Mike Dunleavy and John Candelaria now and then.

Memories come flooding back, even the times in winter when we cleared snow off the courts just to play even though your hands froze.
Foster Park in Flatbush, the one used as home base in Rick Talender's book Heaven is a Playground, was my park growing up. We spent thousands and thousands of hours all year, all day and into the evening at that park. I even knew Rodney Parker the street agent-ticket scalper.
George Bruns and Tommy McNeice played here as did Jim McMillan and Heyward Dotson once in a while. And Mike Dunleavy and John Candelaria now and then.

Memories come flooding back, even the times in winter when we cleared snow off the courts just to play even though your hands froze.

Reading that book as we speak!