Peter Vecsey

Great interview with Vescey. Thanks for posting JSJ. I never missed his NY post column back in the day.
I worked at the Nassau Coliseum in the early 1970s, working with the sports reporters. Pete was always a great guy and jumped in when I was getting yelled at by NYT reporter Sam Goldapper telling old Sam, "Leave the kid alone so he can do his job."
Excellent interview. Vecsey was on top of his game for a long time. Probably took all those years to be honored because he pulled no punches & P O'd a lot of people in the B-Ball World. Players, Coaches, Owners & other writers. Either way, he deserved the recognition.
Only NBA draft I ever attended was right after he wrote that the draft was about as exciting as a David Letterman extravaganza. Also once said about the late Glen Gondrazak (spelling?) that he was the only player that could block his own jump shot.
[quote="redken" post=353741]The man who gave us "Joe Barry Apathy" and "Spencer Deadwood." Miss his columns.[/quote]

Close, but it was “Joe Barely Cares”. Classic.
[quote="sjc88" post=353757][quote="redken" post=353741]The man who gave us "Joe Barry Apathy" and "Spencer Deadwood." Miss his columns.[/quote]

Close, but it was “Joe Barely Cares”. Classic.[/quote]

He liked Carroll so much that he did, in fact, use both names. (I have better recall of the "Apathy" handle.) Did the same with Haywood: "Spencer Deadwood" and "Spencer Driftwood." And he dubbed Charles Barkley with two handles as well: "Boy Gorge" & the "Round Mound of Rebound."

On the down side, he predicted in a February 1985 column (which I still have somewhere) that Rafael Addison would be a better pro than Chris Mullin.
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I think he has a great sharp sense of sarcastic humor.

I do know his next door neighbor, who absolutely cant stand him. something over a property dispute.
Peter was a bench player on great Molloy HS team led by Johnny fan favorite, Billy Lawrence, a transfer from North Carolina.
My absolute favorite was when the Cleveland Cavaliers were wearing orange uniforms. On the team was big man Melvin Turpin, from Kentucky. Vecsey called him “the great pumpkin”.
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My favorite bit of sarcasm from Pete Vecsey came after Charles Oakley slapped the shit out of Jeff McInnis during a shoot around.
Vecsey wrote, "Docked a day's pay and another 10G by the NBA for giving Jeff McInnis a facial, Oakley wanted everyone to know his fine was paid by Phil Ford". #CLASSIC

Why is this Classic? McInnis was told to leave North Carolina after his junior year because he was having an affair with Asst. Coach Phil Ford's wife who was his tutor. You can't make this shit up, lol.
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I hate to correct you but I'm pretty sure the nicknames Pete used for those players were Jpe Barely Cares and Spencer Driftwood :)
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