New Documentary NYC POINT GODS Heads to Showtime
Boardroom and 35V's Kevin Durant and Rich Kleiman partner with SHOWTIME on a new documentary film, "NYC POINT GODS," premiering July 29.
Poster also shows, Boo Harvey, David Cain, Omar Cook and Showtime Hill.
Up until the mid 1990’s, before the proliferation of prep schools and 5th year high school eligibility, there was no better high school hoops league in the country than the CHSAA.Erik Barkley and Speedy Clayton in the same backcourt at CK. CHSAA WAS special in the 90’s. So much talent
The documentary focused on nyc point-guards in the 1980-1990’s they hit pretty much all the key guards from that era. They mentioned tiny archibald but more as historical background They could have gone back to Cousy, McGuire, Lenny Wilkins but they stayed focused on the 80-90’s which brings me to 3 pg’s sju missed out on god shamgod, rafter Alston and Kareem Reid either of those 3 would have been a major upgrade over Tarik turner at the time.