NY taxpayers to help SU build 40k seat bball arena


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2022 $upporter Moderator
The below article appeared in the Syracuse Post Standard and details preliminary plans for New York taxpayers to help finance a new 40,000 seat sports arena adjacent to the Syracuse University campus with retractable roof in which SU would play basketball and other sports.

Oh, in case you forgot Syracuse University is a private university. Perhaps Governor Coumo will justify the public financing because Syracuse University is "new York's Team".

To its credit SU is a bit very savvy with lobbying and media contacts that StJohns.

Actually New york State paid for most of the construction coasts of the Dome and Carrier Corporation paid for naming rights.

The irony if the Carrier Dome, named after the company that pioneered air conditioning is that the Dome has no air conditioning system which is a big negative in hot weather. You can bet that the NY taxpayers will pay for air-conditioning this time around.
Actually New York State paid for most of the construction costs of the Dome and Carrier Corporation paid for naming rights.

The irony if the Carrier Dome, named after the company that pioneered air conditioning is that the Dome has no air conditioning system which is a big negative in hot weather. You can bet that the NY taxpayers will pay for air-conditioning this time around.
Well, it would have been nice if SJU could have leveraged NY State, when Cuomo senior was in office, for some pie.
I'm guessing none of us, without the aid of the internet, can name a single interesting or entertaining thing to do or see in Syracuse, other than SU sports.
Nothing gets built without tax incentives / public financing. I don't care if you're talking about a movie theater, a corporate headquarters, or an arena on a private campus.
This is just the current state of the construction industry and the current political system. It's not indicative of anything sinister or any individual circumstances that Syracuse is benefiting from.
Well if Syracuse doesn't get what they want they could always threaten to move like other NY corporations.
This is a common ploy to keep companies around for taxes and labor. If NY State doesn't give in then they
can move down south with their new brothers.
Nothing gets built without tax incentives / public financing. .


When the Carrier Dome was constructed New York State taxpayers paid $15M of the $26.8M cost of construction. Note the $15M was not IDA or bond financing but a grant.

1. In today's world when school districts and municipalities cannot fund capital projects and are making personnel cuts do you really believe it is prudent for New York State to be opening its wallet to fund a capital project at a private university that has a reported endowment in excess of 1 Billion dollars?

2. If the NYS pays a substantial amount of the cost for the new facility for Syracuse University then should that policy extend to all private institutions and colleges?

3. What the heck is wrong with the Carrier Dome? Why the need to replace it when it has held 30,000+/- spectators twice this season for SU Basketball games.?

There was a time when SJU law grads dominated the legislature in Albany. I must assume that SU law now dominates the body or the leadership. SU was "forgiven" 15mil. in bonding by Carey but I think it was also Carey or perhaps Coumo the First, who built Kaiser Stadium which was presented as economic development for the expanding NY Penn league. That lasted 1 (?) year and we were deeded the structure.
The public investment in a private institutions these days is unsupportable considering our tax level, our shrinking population level, and debt. The Carrier Dome is perfect for basketball. $40 mil for 8000 extra seats is unconscionable for basketball.
If it is seen as competition for the nearby Oneida Nation's entertainment dollar, that's another story. The Oneida's don't pay state tax. ( and besides, they want to change the Redskins name.)
That would be in keeping with the new Coumo's MO regarding the tribe. His dad gave the keys to the money room away and Andrew is taking them back with a heavy hand. There is a modest amount of justification there..................modest, but it is still there. Politicians can smell money even if hidden in the long houses of our original people. Look for a new arena out in Niagara, where the Seneca Nation holds sway, as soon as this gets done.