New Seatbacks

Glad I pay extra for the pain...and not in the good way...
yea I'm right there with you - I've spoken to Cragg and others about it - it's the same reasons as why they aren't doing it down there. Lack of space and money...I was told the amount, which in the grand scheme of things I asked could that then be baked into raising the season tix prices slightly, to offset it and was told it wouldn't fly with ticket holders. Which I personally disagree with but I'm a nobody. I'd pay a few hundred more for comfort in my seats but apparently I'm in the minority.
Apparently the new set
Maybe it’s the years of being an SJU and Mets fan, I thought the title of the thread was new setbacks and assumed something had gone wrong.
You might be changing the title of the thread soon . lol
yea I'm right there with you - I've spoken to Cragg and others about it - it's the same reasons as why they aren't doing it down there. Lack of space and money...I was told the amount, which in the grand scheme of things I asked could that then be baked into raising the season tix prices slightly, to offset it and was told it wouldn't fly with ticket holders. Which I personally disagree with but I'm a nobody. I'd pay a few hundred more for comfort in my seats but apparently I'm in the minority.
Interesting that you would pay more--why note organize a group to make their SJU donations but limit usage to building seatbacks in CA. The university could only use those donations for the designated purpose.
Interesting that you would pay more--why note organize a group to make their SJU donations but limit usage to building seatbacks in CA. The university could only use those donations for the designated purpose.
I understand it takes money to do everything. So I'd be fine paying a little more over the course of a 6 month season if I didn't have to stand up and stretch after every dead ball or have to schedule appointments for acupuncture for my wife's sciatica after a game.

It's really frustrating that we keep having to deal with this. Like it's basic human comfort and it's never being addressed for the people who pay the most $ for tickets. But I just feel like it's beating a dead horse and yelling into the void.
We can't afford seatbacks? We should be in the MEAC! Where exactly does the massive TV Contract go? Where do the Boosters $$$ go?

The $$$ people got beautiful seats on the other side (Where they booted us after 30 years).

It's really nonsense. Lower the prices of the bleacher seats down low. 40 years of this BS. They can give a rats patootie about the regular fans. We are the true suckers...
I may be wrong about this, but with NIL, I have to think some of the donations & loyal program supporters that would normally contribute to university priorities or red/white athletics are now diverting some funds to NIL, like Storm Marketing. This would have to make it even harder for the program to raise funds for infrastructure in short term.

Any news ever come out of the big strategic planning?
I would like to see a wild student section courtside opposite the team benches. The middle sections with seatbacks will now be good seats. Perhaps we can get some of the older fans to move up into them. Just a thought.
The select 900 who this is directly impacting truly appreciate this upgrade. The Floridian or NY metro ‘TV fans’ should refrain from voicing opinion, the peanut gallery takes up 98% of this forum.