NBA retains Lapchick

Richard Lapchick has been so outspoken on issues of race that this hire makes sense. His speech at the dinner that JSJ put together as a fundraiser focused nearly entirely on Coach Lapchick's contribution to improving racial inequities in basketball.
There is a great documentary out about Joe Lapchick which deals at length about all Joe did in terms of race relations. Very few people know all of that story. The documentary has been on ESPN or SNY occasionally and may show up again. Worth seeing.
There is a great documentary out about Joe Lapchick which deals at length about all Joe did in terms of race relations. Very few people know all of that story. The documentary has been on ESPN or SNY occasionally and may show up again. Worth seeing.

MSG. Great documentary on a great man ... not just a great basketball coach.

Here's the youtube link for a 4-minute promo about the film that's worth watching: