upstate redman
I know this is very off topic in some respects, but as mentioned before I am a Union College alum. When I first attended there 8 years ago, they were the worst team in at that time one of the weaker Division 1 hockey conferences, and SJU was a bottom feeder under Norm. At that time I did not think I would ever see a National Championship from either team. In fact, I thought an SJU one was more likely in my lifetime. However, my small school, with no athletic scholarships, just knocked off two hockey powers in BC and Minnesota to win its first National Championship. So I guess guys, maybe dreams will come true for us one day. Or at the very least I have one National Championship.
If we play Minnesota in the preseason NIT, the Johnies gear is being sidelines for some Union hockey stuff.
If we play Minnesota in the preseason NIT, the Johnies gear is being sidelines for some Union hockey stuff.