MultiCulti U. / University of California

Diversity is not a strength. It has been shoved down people's throats for way too long and it's backfiring. Having too many cultures changes the fabric of American culture. It separates people, causes tension, conflict, and wastes tons of money shoving it down people's throats like the article says. Nice read.
Diversity is not a strength. It has been shoved down people's throats for way too long and it's backfiring. Having too many cultures changes the fabric of American culture. It separates people, causes tension, conflict, and wastes tons of money shoving it down people's throats like the article says. Nice read.

"As I would not be a slave, I would not be a master" seems an appropriate response to much of your commentary and was spoken by somebody famous. Would you like the culture you come from omitted from what should be studied and understood as part of the human condition? Should the beautiful Mayflower descendant I pursued five decades ago, be restricted to knowing only her own kind? Must every Sicilian hate every Calabrese, every Litwak know nothing of the life of the Galitz? Imagine walking a mile in the other guys shoes not through the lens of fear and loss but in anticipation of acceptance and achievement. Humans move toward pleasure and away from pain, same as most other organisms, and understanding how that plays out in many cultures enriches one's life.
Forced diversity (commonly seen through liberal institution) is not a strength, but in fact an applied anti-thesis to individual rights. This is the real problem. When people naturally choose to interact with one another via their own free will, then true diversity arises. The reason why its never seen in leftist settings is that it's non-deterministic in nature, and it can't be controlled, even though the results are always far superior to those they legislate and implement. BTW, what you call American culture is actually an ongoing amalgam of other cultures imported and interactively woven into the country's real-time historical context. When its commercially palatable, then it can be exported globally, as US culture designed to establish and reinforce global demand for American standards reciprocally.

CUNY is the best example of a university system that was forced by the Giuliani Administration to give up its excruciating diversity life-support system (open admissions) in favor of stricter admissions standards. Once again, academic leftists in CUNY argued that minority enrollment would plummet. The result: Diversity actually increased as the most qualified students gained admission in descending order of qualified capacity. The problem here is once again, even though the result in diversity favored the left, they were abhorred the fact that they could not predict it, and therefore could not control it.
Diversity is not a strength. It has been shoved down people's throats for way too long and it's backfiring. Having too many cultures changes the fabric of American culture. It separates people, causes tension, conflict, and wastes tons of money shoving it down people's throats like the article says. Nice read.

"As I would not be a slave, I would not be a master" seems an appropriate response to much of your commentary and was spoken by somebody famous. Would you like the culture you come from omitted from what should be studied and understood as part of the human condition? Should the beautiful Mayflower descendant I pursued five decades ago, be restricted to knowing only her own kind? Must every Sicilian hate every Calabrese, every Litwak know nothing of the life of the Galitz? Imagine walking a mile in the other guys shoes not through the lens of fear and loss but in anticipation of acceptance and achievement. Humans move toward pleasure and away from pain, same as most other organisms, and understanding how that plays out in many cultures enriches one's life.

Why don't you ask people who live on the US/Mexico border how illegal immigrants with drug cartels enrich them? Same for Britain where a civil war between Muslims and everyone else is not far in the future. Are they enriched too with Islamic radicals beheading soldiers in broad daylight and grooming young women to be treated like slaves? People have to understand that not all cultures are equal. Some are like cancer and others have value. This is a first world country. When you start going crazy with the diversity idea and take in 3rd world immigrants, you're much more likely to get the cancer. There is a reason it worked when we imported our immigrants from Europe i.e. Italy, Ireland, Germany, etc. At the very core most Europeans had pretty similar values and lifestyles. They wanted to fit in, not separate. As the saying goes, when you bring in the 3rd world, you get the 3rd world. You aren't going to get too many Einsteins and Da Vinci's from Iran, Haiti, or Mexico.

I can assure you our forefathers did not want the very fabric of America changed. In America during the 60's the country was almost 90% white European. Now it's 65% and already a minority among newborns. The question has to be asked, was there ever a vote to change the very fabric of America in demographics and import the 3rd world? No. So it's being forced. I'm all for freedom...if you want to embrace diversity go right ahead and enjoy. If you want to live among a certain group of people, also feel free and enjoy. If you look around at 95% of America sans each coast with the major cities, people overwhelmingly choose to live among their own. I mean hell, in Wyandanch it's 70% black. In some towns it's 95% white. In some towns it's 70% hispanic. Clearly most people of all races have that preference, so it's not like it's "racist". Our generation has to take so many diversity classes which should really just be more aptly named "Hate Whitey 101". I mean even some black kids in the class say it makes them feel awkward because it just trashes whites. In school the Aztec Empire is pushed more than the Roman one. The Zulu and different Indian tribes are pushed more than ancient Greece. Do we really think this is what George Washington or Thomas Jefferson wanted along with the Immigration reform in 1965 that is literally turning our demographics upside down? I know I was fairly brash and will be called names, but it's something that most people know is true, yet scared to talk about.