Mullin/Ewing Piece

I was just going to create a post about Ewing vs. Mullin on the sidelines. After mostly getting spanked by Georgetown during the Ewing years, and definitely when it counted most, it would be really nice to start this era with a win.

Why does karma cause me trepidation on this one?
Hopefully the Mullin vs Ewing coaching matchup ends up different than their first matchup as players. It must have been Jan of 82 at MSG and it was my first look at Ewing. Not near as many games were televised in those days. Early in the game Ewing at 7ft and probably 225 lbs from under the basket takes two steps toward the sideline, elevates and blocks a Mullin corner jump shot ,turns up court, gets the ball back and stuffs it.
He was a gazelle but each year gained weight and probably weighed 275 as a Knick where you needed the weight to play center. After about. 15 minutes of playing time that night I turned to my wife and kids and said 'let's go". The score was 41 to. 9 Geo.