Moments That Changed New York College Basketball- Forever / New York Post

I will never forgive Digger for leaving Fordham .I havent rooted for ND since he went there !!!!!!!!!!!!
Lew Alcindor picks UCLA over St. Johns. Just imagine the possibilities.
when digger picked nd, nd produced a letter written by digger, from years before digger got the nd  job, in which digger told nd that his dream was to coach at nd.
i dont know about the killer class that digger recruited off of his one fu year. i recall it was one 6'5' guy from florida.
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I really like Mike's Vacc's writing for the NYPost, but in the article he gives us a little short shrift. (Generally, as a LI/Chaminade guy, he is a Johnnies fan).This year alone we captured the City for a little bit, and other than the Norm year's we've captivated the City now and then. Nothing like the Mullin years that's true, and pre-Mullin, with Looie, Frank MCGuire and Joe Lapchick, we were the toast of the town.

I think Mike V. missed the bigger point, that the 1970 NBA hadn't been around that long and it took a lot of the big cities a long time to shift from college BB over to the Pros. In the formative years of the professionals, the teams were in small markets, the players weren't paid much and they had to have "real" jobs in the off season. Of course, things changed dramatically after a while.