Quality fellow who I also met at Saratoga. He is a #1 SJU fan and responded to a request to meet with 20 or so fellow SJU grads in the club house with REPOLE STABLES t-shirts ( I wear mine to Tamps Downs) and tips on the last six races. Anyone who bet his advice made money.
He is not the traditional owner at Saratoga, He is not a Whitney or an Astor or one of the privileged people and he doesn't try to be. He is a clever business man who does what he has to do to win races the right way, with horses the old guard has never seen.
I'll tell you what a great "homer:" he is: His stable colors are the Mets colors exactly, and his biggest dream is not to win the Derby but to win Belmont with 60.000 New Yorkers looking on. Say what you will. he is a NYC and SJU guy who loves the people he grew up with. He didn't say it but I think he would love to own the Mets; if he did, I would dump the Yanks in a second.
I asked him what it was like to hold $3.3 BILLION in his hand after the sale of Vitamin Water ad he said, it wasn't the only time and it wont be the last. Edgy, but we all knew lots of guys like him at Schermerhorn as well as Jamaica. I like him and I like the fact that he loves his family and he hasn't traded his loyalties on the way to the top.
The guy who must have caught him on a bad day (I think the guy's bad day, not Mikes) missed out on a fascinating and friendly, giant personality.